Foreigndocs 6/07/2003
Editor MNH: (6/7/03)
Something doesn’t make sense. I am referring to the editorial in the M. News-Herald (3/11/03) “We’re debtor nation for foreign docs.” Let me quote: “It is good for U.S. clinics, hospitals and patients that we are able to attract doctors from other nations, but not good for the countries where the doctors were born and educated.” My comment! If the attraction for the good life which makes the foreign born doctors seek out this nation is not good for their respective country of birth then it is also not good for our children. I personally know of three students who applied to the Wisconsin medical schools and were not accepted. These students were not slouches, but bright and highly motivated. For every three of our students who apply to the Wisconsin medical schools only one is accepted (this ratio was higher and will go up again). To apply to medical school is a hassle. No student will even bother to apply if he feels he doesn’t have a change. There is a required pre-med curriculum. In order to get a good grade in biology, chemistry, math, physics and genetics, the student not only has to be bright, but also disciplined. You can’t fake it in the sciences. Our medical schools, by not increasing their enrollment in order to satisfy the demand of this nation for doctors are short- changing our students. There is not only one loser, namely the countries poor by American standards which nevertheless are able to train competent doctors for export, but two, the other loser is our children.