Corrie-Zundel, 07/25/2005
Editor MNH: 7/25/05
“Social justice members hope talks open window to diversity” reads the title of an article in the Marshfield News Herald 7/4/2005. The Marshfield Social Justice Group is not true to its name which contains the weighty word, justice. This group did everything using fair means and foul to prevent me from getting elected to the school board. The group should act according to its name and redeem itself by promoting justice. There are two cases, Rachel Corrie and Ernst Zundel which need redress. Rachel Corrie consumed by a sense of justice went to Palestine to protect the house of a Palestinian from being bulldozed. The Israeli operator of the Caterpillar drove over her and for good measure backed up with her being under the blade. The driver’s excuse that he did not see her was accepted. Rachel Corrie wore an orange anorak and begged the driver by means of a bullhorn to desist. Her parents are crisscrossing the US to seek justice for their child. I recommend to the MSJG to include Corries’ talk in their lecture series. They can be reached at: [email protected].
The second case of injustice which has to be righted is that of Ernst Zundel. Since I am his friend I am very familiar with all the events leading up to his imprisonment in Mannheim, Germany. He has been charged with incitements to racial hatred. When Galileo tried to change the belief from the Ptolemaic system to his certainty in a heliocentric system he did not hate the Roman church. Zundel’s rejection of the gas chamber lie, with the evidence of the forensic examination of the Auschwitz “gas chamber” backing him up, is not an incitement to hate. I request that my talk exonerating Ernst Zundel be included in the lecture series of the MSJG.