Editor MNH: 7/25/05
“Social justice members hope talks open window to diversity” reads the title of an article in the Marshfield News Herald 7/4/2005. The Marshfield Social Justice Group is not true to its name which contains the weighty word, justice. This group did everything using fair means and foul to prevent me from getting elected to the school board. The group should act according to...
Letters to the Marshfield News-Herald
Editor: MNH, 10-10-03
The caption of the article “Catholic opposition aside, CROP walk draws record crowd” which appeared in the MNH (9/22/2003) is misleading. The diocese did not oppose the crop walk, but only advised its Catholic members not to participate.. Moneys brought in by the crop walk goes in part to fund contraception which the church opposes. The preaching of the church has always...
The caption of the article “Catholic opposition aside, CROP walk draws record crowd” which appeared in the MNH (9/22/2003) is misleading. The diocese did not oppose the crop walk, but only advised its Catholic members not to participate.. Moneys brought in by the crop walk goes in part to fund contraception which the church opposes. The preaching of the church has always...
Editor, MNH: 1/3/04
The belief that there is no god is a creed just like the belief that there is a god. Mr. R., a zealot for the first, scrutinizes the eye of Christianity , but never looks into the eye of atheistic Judeo-communism. His scrutiny starts way back in history with the Crusades. In 1070 AD the Seljuk Turks had conquered Jerusalem and had brought the alum mines of the Middle East...
The belief that there is no god is a creed just like the belief that there is a god. Mr. R., a zealot for the first, scrutinizes the eye of Christianity , but never looks into the eye of atheistic Judeo-communism. His scrutiny starts way back in history with the Crusades. In 1070 AD the Seljuk Turks had conquered Jerusalem and had brought the alum mines of the Middle East...
Editor MNH: 7/6/04
D-Day has been celebrated with the proper enthusiasm befitting the overture to a glorious and profitable victory over Germany. But was the victory glorious and where are the profits now? One date which is never mentioned answers this question. On November 12-13, l940 Molotov, Stalin’s foreign secretary, visited Berlin. The reason? Greed! Stalin wanted much more than Adolf...
D-Day has been celebrated with the proper enthusiasm befitting the overture to a glorious and profitable victory over Germany. But was the victory glorious and where are the profits now? One date which is never mentioned answers this question. On November 12-13, l940 Molotov, Stalin’s foreign secretary, visited Berlin. The reason? Greed! Stalin wanted much more than Adolf...
Editor MNH: 10/26/02
Jewish politicians and commentators (Wolfowitz, Perle, Safire, Krauthammer, Jacoby) experience a déjà vu, blatantly expressed by Jeff Jacoby: “What was done to Japan and Germany can be done to the Palestinians (and Iraq). Pulverizing defeat followed by occupation and transformation … (Boston Globe, 6/27/2002)” Let me tell you what happened to Germany. From this you can...
Jewish politicians and commentators (Wolfowitz, Perle, Safire, Krauthammer, Jacoby) experience a déjà vu, blatantly expressed by Jeff Jacoby: “What was done to Japan and Germany can be done to the Palestinians (and Iraq). Pulverizing defeat followed by occupation and transformation … (Boston Globe, 6/27/2002)” Let me tell you what happened to Germany. From this you can...
Editor: MNH 1/7/06
I am not very much. But I seem to be the only one who is willing to protest John Demjanjuk’s ordered deportation to the Ukraine. Where are the others, the important people, the organizations with clout,. the tolerance preachers, the churches who preach love and forgiveness, but don’t say peep when an 85 year old man is yanked from his family to die alone in another country...
I am not very much. But I seem to be the only one who is willing to protest John Demjanjuk’s ordered deportation to the Ukraine. Where are the others, the important people, the organizations with clout,. the tolerance preachers, the churches who preach love and forgiveness, but don’t say peep when an 85 year old man is yanked from his family to die alone in another country...
Editor, MNH, 11/13/03
There is a bandwagon rolling through town. Its banner reads “diversity.” I am not mentally nimble enough to join the parade by embracing the present politically correct mindset and forgoing its opposing one. It was not long ago that instead of diversity (another name for multiculturalism) we were supposed to integrate for the sake of unity. This unity, the culture of ...
There is a bandwagon rolling through town. Its banner reads “diversity.” I am not mentally nimble enough to join the parade by embracing the present politically correct mindset and forgoing its opposing one. It was not long ago that instead of diversity (another name for multiculturalism) we were supposed to integrate for the sake of unity. This unity, the culture of ...
Editor MNH: (3/3/06)
Education equals business
I have heard it said: The business of America is business; in other words, the business of America is: the making of money. I can accept this honest, but not uplifting motto for a nation, but I object to it when it serves as inspiration for our M. public school administrators. They have morphed from educators to business men. Functioning as...
Education equals business
I have heard it said: The business of America is business; in other words, the business of America is: the making of money. I can accept this honest, but not uplifting motto for a nation, but I object to it when it serves as inspiration for our M. public school administrators. They have morphed from educators to business men. Functioning as...
Editor MNH: 9/4/04
When a government, a religion or a powerful group can no longer convince the public of its good intentions it starts to coerce. When the discrepancy between what it preached and what it lived became too great to be accepted by its flock the hierarchy of Roman Christianity created the Inquisition. Individuals are no longer tied to the stakes (the burning is done wholesale ),...
When a government, a religion or a powerful group can no longer convince the public of its good intentions it starts to coerce. When the discrepancy between what it preached and what it lived became too great to be accepted by its flock the hierarchy of Roman Christianity created the Inquisition. Individuals are no longer tied to the stakes (the burning is done wholesale ),...
Editor, MNH: (9/25/01): I want to take issue with a number of statements I found in the article, A.,C. strive to welcome, help Mexicans" (NH, Aug. 23).
According to the controller of A. Foods: "...the company relies on the Mexican workers to make the company profitable." My feeling is that Mexican workers have nothing above and beyond the native Wisconsin workers. What makes the company...
According to the controller of A. Foods: "...the company relies on the Mexican workers to make the company profitable." My feeling is that Mexican workers have nothing above and beyond the native Wisconsin workers. What makes the company...